Takeaway knowledge


Naturhistorisches Museum Bern, Bibliothek, Blick in die Bücherreihen
The museum is also a library - the inventory comprises 23'000 books and 500 magazines. NMBE/Schäublin

The library, founded in 1962, possesses a stock of about 25'000 books and 500 serials in the domains geology, mineralogy, paleontology, zoology and cynology.

SPECIAL OPENING HOURS: The library will be closed from July 14 to August 4, 2024. It will not be possible to borrow books during this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Open access library

Loan 1 month, free of charge; extensions of term are possible

Complete online catalogue: Swisscovery

Reading room with 6 work stations

Interlibrary loan: Be 156

Opening hours

Access only on appointment (call or e-mail)

Monday to Wednesday 10 am – 6 pm