We look forward to your visit

Planing your visit

Thank you for visiting the Museum of Natural History Bern! On this page you will find everything you need to know, from opening hours and catering options to our rules of the game, so that all visitors can enjoy their stay with us. We wish you many exciting discoveries!

Opening hours


2 pm – 5 pm

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

9 am – 5 pm


9 am – 6 pm

Saturday, Sunday

10 am – 5 pm

Open: The following opening hours apply on these public holidays: 10–17

2 January (Berchthold's Day), Easter Monday, Whit Monday , 26 December (Boxing Day) 


New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday, 1st August, 1st September: staff excursion, 24th November. «Zibelemärit», 24th December, Christmas Day, 31 December 

Entrance fee


CHF 12.00

students, senior citizens, handicapped persons

CHF 10.00

groups of 10 and more persons

CHF 10.00

children and youths (up to 16)




Entrance fees reduced

members of the Natural History Museum Society

CHF 4.00

with Kultur LEGI card

CHF 4.00

with Kultur-GA


with Schweizer Museumspass


with Museums Pass Musée


with Raiffeisen card MemberPlus


Museumscard Bern

Receive free entry to every museum in the city of Bern with the Museum Card! The Museum Card is available at the museum, the Tourist Information at the main station and online (Prices: Museum Card for 24 hours: CHF 28.00, Museum Card for 48 hours: CHF 35.00)


Free admission for refugees

Since April 2022, all refugees (groups and individual guests) who can prove their identity (N, S, F ID card) will receive free admission to our exhibitions. Events and bookable mediation offers are excluded.

З п'ятниці, 1 квітня 2022 року, усі біженці (групи та індивідуальні відвідувачі), які мають відповідне посвідчення (посвідчення типу N, S, F), мають вільний доступ до наших експозицій та заходів (за винятком екскурсій, що потребують бронювання).

С пятницы, 1 апреля 2022 г., все беженцы (группы и отдельные посетители), которые могут удостоверить свою личность соответствующими документами (удостоверения личности N, S, F), получат бесплатный вход на наши выставки и мероприятия (за исключением экскурсий по предварительному заказу).

ካብ ዓርቢ፣ 1 ሚያዝያ 2022 ኣትሒዙ ዅሎም እቶም ንገዛእ ርእሶም መንነት ከርእዩ ዝኽእሉ ስደተኛታት (ጕጅለታትን ኣጋይሽን) (N፣ S ወይ F ካርድ) ናብ ምርኢትናን ፍጻመታትናን (ብዘይካ እቲ መዝገብ ክግበረሉ ዝከኣል ዙረት) ብነጻ ክኣትዉ ኢዮም።

يحظى كلُ اللاجئين (المجموعات والضيوفُ الأفراد)، الذين يستطيعون إثبات هويتهم بشكلٍ مناسب (بطاقة الهوية N للباحثين عن اللجوء، وبطاقة الهوية S للمحتاجين إلى الحماية، وبطاقة الهوية F للأجانب المُستقبَلين مؤقتًا)، بدءًا من يوم الجمعة الموافق 1 أبريل/نيسان 2022، بدخولٍ مجانيٍّ إلى معارضنا وفعَّالياتنا (باستثناء الجولات الإرشادية القابلة للحجز).

Address and access

46.9421412, 7.4489427

Natural History Museum
Bernastrasse 15, 3005 Berne, Switzerland


From the main railway station take tram no. 6 (Worb), no. 7 (Ostring), no. 8 (Saali) or bus no. 19 (Elfenau) to Helvetiaplatz. 220 m walking distance to the museum. 


The museum does not have its own parking spaces. There are limited parking facilities in the Blue Zone (with a parking card). Here you will find details and availability of the parking garages in Bern.

Visitor code of conduct and rules for schoolclasses and other groups

Visitor code of conduct

Dear visitor,

We are delighted to welcome you to our museum. To ensure the best possible experience for everyone, the museum has drawn up a code of conduct that we expect all visitors to follow. The code is designed to promote a peaceful atmosphere, protect our exhibits and our premises, and ensure public safety and security.

The code of conduct applies to all visitors. By entering the museum, you agree to abide by its regulations.

  1. Teachers, group leaders and parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that the children and young people in their care behave appropriately. Young people over the age of 14 may visit the museum unaccompanied.
  2. Visitors must not touch, damage or in any other way harm our exhibits. Visitors ignoring this regulation will be held liable for any damage they cause.
  3. Food and drinks may only be consumed in the designated picnic areas and in the museum café. Smoking is not permitted in any part of the museum building.
  4. Unless notices indicate otherwise, prams and pushchairs are permitted in the exhibition areas. Pushchair spaces are provided. Please do not leave prams or pushchairs in front of emergency exits, escape routes or in narrow corridors.
  5. Photography and filming are permitted in the exhibition areas for private, non-commercial purposes. Notices indicate where photography and filming are not permitted, e.g. in special exhibitions.
  6. Large bags and rucksacks, umbrellas, rainwear and other bulky items must be placed in the lockers or left in the cloakroom.
  7. With the exception of certified assistance dogs, animals are not permitted in the exhibition spaces.
  8. Insults, discrimination, racism, sexual harassment or any form of abusive behaviour towards other visitors or museum staff will not be tolerated.
  9. Our museum staff have a duty to enforce this code of conduct and to safeguard the public and our collections. Visitors must therefore follow the instructions of our museum staff at all times.
  10. Visitors who continue to violate the code of conduct despite being cautioned by our staff may be asked to leave the museum.
Rules for school classes, daycare centres and other groups

To carers of young people and children

We welcome you warmly and are pleased that you are visiting our museum. To ensure that your visit is a pleasant and lasting experience, we ask you to observe the following rules:

The Museum of Natural History is a cultural institution that does a great deal to ensure that young people and children have an exciting and eventful visit. However, during your stay with your children, please also consider and respect the other museum guests who, like you, would like to enjoy the museum.

  1. The caregiver is responsible for the group and ensures that it is managed in a cohesive manner and that the house rules are followed. With regard to peace, distance and the urge to move, they guide the group to treat people and objects with respect. In the event of non-compliance, he/she is the contact person for the museums supervisors. If the group is split up, an additional accompanying person may be required for each subgroup.

  2. Please touch only the objects marked for this purpose.

  3. Climbing is allowed in the forest adventure room «Picas Nest». For safety reasons, it is not permitted to take prams, furniture, chairs or other objects into the exhibition. Climbing is not permitted in the rest of the museum.

  4. Unless otherwise indicated, prams may be taken into the exhibitions. Pushchair spaces are available. Please do not park pushchairs in front of emergency exits, escape doors or in narrow corridors.

  5. Food and drink is only permitted in the designated picnic corners and in the museum café. Please leave the picnic areas in a clean condition.

  6. Please note that there are no sleeping areas in the museum. It is also not permitted to let children sleep on the floors.

  7. Seating and writing materials are available if needed. If you are interested, please contact a supervisor.

  8. The school/institution as the organiser of the visit is liable for improper handling and losses to museum-owned objects and equipment.

The museum staff is responsible for ensuring compliance with the house rules and for the safety of persons and objects. The instructions of the museum staff must therefore be followed at all times.

We wish you and your group an exciting and enjoyable visit to the museum, and look forward to welcoming you back soon!

We thank you for your cooperation, Your team of the Natural History Museum Bern

Practical information

Persons with a disability

We are committed to low-threshold access. The whole museum is wheelchair accessible. Assistance dogs are allowed. Please let our staff know if you need assistance.

Foreign-language visitors

Information and orientation in the museum is accessible in DE, FR and EN.

Some of the exhibitions are labeled bilingually in DE & FR and exhibition brochures are available in DE, FR and EN for permanent exhibitions.

On the NMBE eGuide you will find translated exhibition texts in DE, FR and EN. You can access this directly in the exhibitions with your cell phone via QR code.


You have free access in the entire museum.

Food and beverage

The museum café offers a variety of hot and cold snacks, salads, sweets and a wide selection of drinks every day. Hot dogs are also available at the weekend.

Guests collect all food and drinks from the self-service counter. Please note that it is not possible to make reservations for the museum café. 

Due to staff shortages, we have to temporarily adjust our offer in the museum café for the months of March, April and May.

Our opening hours during these months:

The café is open daily from 11:00 to 17:00.
A reduced offer is available all day on weekends.
Our food offer:

We offer a selection of sweet baked goods, sandwiches, salads and kiosk items.
Hot lunch dishes such as soup, Wienerli, pinsa or tarte flambée are unfortunately not available at the moment.
We thank you for your understanding.


Picnic is allowed in the picnic area on the first and third floor as well as in the garden.

Important information for school classes: The space available in the picnic areas is limited and reservations are not possible.


Taking pictures and making films is allowed in the entire museum. Share your pictures with the hashtag #NMBern.


Dogs are not allowed in the exhibitions, with the exception of guide dogs.


The exhibitions are accessible to prams. Entrance/exit is located next to the cafeteria. You'll find a changing table in the toilets on the groundfloor.