The test was created by a team of researchers from our museum as part of its “Meta-Morphosis” project, directed by our colleague Dr. Anne-Claire Fabre. Amphibians are among the vertebrates most affected by climate change: over one third are at risk of extinction. However, amphibians that undergo more complex forms of metamorphosis may have a greater natural capacity to adapt in response to environmental changes. The Meta-Morphosis Project is testing this by studying the effect of metamorphosis complexity on the evolutionary diversification of salamanders. The results will increase our understanding of these remarkable creatures and focus conservation efforts toward those species at greatest risk of extinction. More informations.

On Museum Night 2024, our guests were able to take the quiz on site and also received “their” salamander as a sticker. The illustrations (see main image) were created by project team members Morgane Fournier, Rüya Eylül Arslan, Morgane Taillades and Océane Cluzeau.